Handling of cookies

With Carsolutions we use cookies to ensure that we give you the best possible experience of our website. By using the site, you accept the use of cookies.
What is a cookie?

Cookies are used by virtually all websites today. In many cases, cookies may be necessary to provide a service on the website. A cookie is a small data file that websites store on the user's computer in order to recognize the computer. Cookies can be used, among other things, to compile statistics on users' use of the website. A cookie is a passive file and cannot collect information on the user's computer, spread computer viruses or other harmful programs.

We use the following types of cookies:
Google Analytics:
Google Analytics collects data about the traffic on carsol.dk, such as which pages and elements users use most on the website. We use the statistics from Google Analytics to improve the user-friendliness of carsol.dk
How do I remove cookies?

You can always remove cookies again by removing unwanted cookies under your browser's internet settings.

Internet Explorer: https://windows.microsoft.com/da-DK/internet-explorer/help
Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/?hl=en
Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/da/home
Apple Safari: https://www.apple.com/support/safari/
Links to other brands/pages under Carsol.dk

This site contains links to others Carsolutions websites. When you click on such a link to other third-party websites, you should be aware that these websites have their own privacy policy. Please read their privacy policy when using these websites.

Why do we inform about cookies?
All Danish websites are obliged to inform about which cookies are placed on the user's equipment. The information must be in accordance with the "Declaration on requirements for information and consent when storing and accessing information in end-users' terminal equipment".